When All Else Fails®
In case of hurricane, fires, or other emergency call up situations, 1st monitor the SSRC repeater at 146.610 MHz (tone 123), 2nd the SCARS repeater at 146.970 (no tone), or 3rd the CERT repeater at 145.3300 MHz (tone 123) and listen for the ARES Net Control station for important information.
Published on the ARRL website:
Amateur radio operators use their training, skills, and equipment to provide communications during emergencies When All Else Fails®. Hams serve our communities when storms or other disasters damage critical communication infrastructure, including cell towers, and wired and wireless networks. Amateur radio can function completely independently of the internet and phone systems. An amateur radio station can be set up almost anywhere in minutes. Hams can quickly raise a wire antenna in a tree or on a mast, connect it to a radio and power source, and communicate effectively with others.
From the Marion County Ares Emergency Plan adopted in 2020:
“The Marion County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is composed of amateurs who have voluntarily registered their capabilities and equipment for public service communications duty with the Marion County ARRL Emergency Coordinator (EC) through ARES Connect and the Marion County ARES website, aresmcfl.org”
If you want to keep totaly informed and be a part of ARES, it is required that you register, be vetted, and join as a member.
But, the only requirements to join ARES and participate on the air during an emergency is a willingness to serve, follow the instrutions of the EC or the Net Control Operator, and a have valid amateur radio license.
This is the home page of the Marion County Florida ARES website. It is not up-to-date. All of the information available at this time is contained on this website. Check it out at Marion County FL Amateur Radio Emergency Service – Marion Co. FL ARES (aresmcfl.org)

MERT and ARES meet on the 3rd Saturday of every month except December at the EOC at 10 AM All are welcome. Directions and more info on the KG4NXO website.